“Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95
Music is such an important part of our worship and faith in God. At Level Creek UMC we focus on traditional music that is creative and inspiring. There are many ways for you to get involved and help us to make a joyful noise!
For more info on any of these musical groups, contact our Director of Music, Tracie Ginsberg, at tracieginsberg@lcumc.net.
Chancel Choir
Rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary
This group is our primary choir for Sunday morning worship and sings a variety of traditional and blended contemporary selections. The chancel choir attends music retreats at Lake Junaluska and also provides encouragement and support to each other. All are welcome to join the chancel choir!
Handbell Choir
Rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM twice a month, taking the Summer off.
We are always looking for new ringers in our bell choir! Open to ages 7th grade through adult, this group is for beginning to experienced handbell ringers. The bells play in worship 4-5 times each year, including special services such as Christmas, Easter and Holy Week.
Children’s Choir and Worship Arts
Rehearsal time varies based on time of year.
Our children’s choir encourages children to grow in faith, serve in worship and offer praise to God through song. Children learn songs to present in Sunday worship and also prepare a full Christmas Musical every December. Open to children 4 years and up.